SMS Marketing

Why You Must Use SMS Marketing:

Reason Number 1: The goal of any marketing is to reach your prospective customers with your offers and benefits of your product or service. Times have changed. Your customers carry mobile phones with them all the time. With smart phones like i-phone they access internet more than they do with PC’s.

Reason Number 2.  While e-mails go into junk folder or remain un-opened, more than 90% of text messages are read and read within minutes of receiving not in days as it can be with e-mails.

Reason Number 3. It is not a cliche to say that MONEY IS IN THE LIST. It is  a fact. Successful companies will go to extraordinary lengths to build a responsive prospect/customer list and engage with them as per their needs.  Marketing to your list which is permission based, i.e. people in the list have given their permission to contact them, while always giving them an option to opt out is the safest and most efficient way to market your products and services.

Reason Number 4. It is easy to build a permission based SMS (text messaging) list than building an e-mail or phone list. And it is much easier and cheaper to automate and run. We have several ways and processes for you to build and grow your list.

Reason Number 5. It is very cheap compared to direct mail marketing with post cards, letters, news paper ads, magazine ads, yellow pages, radio, tv or for that matter cheaper than most forms of marketing and advertising. CALL US (425-354-3305) to find out how incredibly inexpensive this is.

Reason Number 6. Text Message Marketing if done right can go viral. The power of texting to stay in constant contact with your social circle makes it highly likely that your enticing offers will be sent to multiple people. Combine that with integration of mobile with Face book you have an incredible tool to put word of mouth marketing on steroids with properly constructed campaigns.

Reason Number 7. It is incredibly easy to operate and manage. And with our help you can create campaigns and apps to beat your competition to dust.

Reason Number 8. It is all tracked and can be analyzed.


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